This state enactment regulate the conditions of work in an establishment and provide for statutory obligations of the employers and rights of the employees in the unorganized sector of employment and other establishments. In addition to maintaining certain records, the enactments also provide for the following:
2. Applicability
All shops and commercial establishments except the establishments registered under Factories Act have to be registered under this Act. All shops and commercial establishments have to be registered under the Act irrespective of the number of workers.
3. Procedure for registration of establishments under Shop Act
(i) Application in form B1
(ii)Original Copy of the Chalan receipt having remitted the prescribed fee at the nearest treasury of the office of the Asst. Labour Officer
(iii)Submit the form B1 and original chalan receipt at the office of the Asst. Labour Officer having jurisdiction over the area with in 60 days from the date of commencement of the establishment.
4. Prescribed Registration Fees
No. of workers Nil - `10
Up to 5 workers- ` 50
Above 5 and up to 10 workers- ` 50
Above 10 and up to 20 workers- ` 200
Above 20 and up to 30 workers- ` 300
Above 30 and up to 50 workers- ` 500
Above 50 and up to 100 workers- `1000
Above 100 workers- `2000
5. Renewal
May be renewed from year to year, 30 days before the expiry of registration certificate.
6.Total number of hours required to be worked by an employee in an establishment. No employee is required or allowed to work for more than 8 hours in any day and 48 hours in any week. Number of hours of work including overtime shall not exceed ten hours in anybody and total number of hours of overtime shall not exceed fifty hours for any quarter. The employee is entitled wages at the rate of twice the ordinary rate.
7. Period of work of an employee in an establishment including intervals for rest
Ten and a half hours
8.Total number of leave with wages entitled to an employed (who completed 12 months of continuous service)
9. Registers to be maintained by an employer
Enrolling for Shop and Commercial Establishment Employees Welfare Fund
By registering your firm under the Shop and Establishment Act, you will also be required to enroll your employees (if you have employees on roll) under “Shop and Commercial Establishment Welfare Fund “.
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